What I love the most about photography is making connections with families. I understand that it’s really difficult to be in front of the camera, it’s hard to give a true smile and not just one that you’ve practiced in the mirror 1000 times (ok, more than that). It’s difficult to get your kids ready, yourself ready, your husband on the same page and then showing up…. in a good mood. Trust me, I get it. I really do.
This family, they kind of have this really soft spot in my heart. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because they were one of the first families where the mom said she wasn’t referred by anyone but found my website and just felt like we were a good fit. Or maybe it’s because every. single. time. I see them EVERYONE is in a great mood. Or maybe it’s because I can email her on Tuesday and say, “hey it’s going to be a balmy 25 on Saturday, does that work?” and she says yes right away… I’m not sure… but every time I see this family, my heart is overjoyed with how much love they share, how thoughtful they are, how their cup is always half full & how they don’t take a single second for granted with their two handsome men.
I don’t want to “take your picture”, I want to be a part of your family. For just an hour or two. Or maybe even for the day. To see how you interact with each other, to play tag with your kids, to sing silly songs, to tease dad but mostly to feel the love you have with each other. Because when all that magic happens, beautiful images that will last a lifetime for you, will magically appear in my camera. I can promise you that.